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Unia Europejska

PO - PÁ: 1000 - 1800

Zákaznický servis

0048 600 727 991

0048 535 410 810


Salon firmowy

Najdete nás zde:

Ul. Wiślana 25, 85-773 Bydgoszcz- poblíž obchodu Ikea a obchodu Lidl

Pracovní doba:

Po - Pá: 1000 - 1800

Sob: 0900 - 1500

0 zł




All complaints please report to

Agata Przygodzińska
(52) 344 08 08

I Complaints for Wares

1. The Seller is liable to the Client (this also included the Client who is a consumer according to article 22[1] of the Civil Code) under warranty for the defects according to the rules set forth in articles 556-576 of the Civil Code.

2. Complaints based on a breach of Client rights guaranteed by laws or on these Terms & conditions should be directed to the STWD Roman Bilecki, Wiślana 25 street, 85-773 Bydgoszcz, using the contact form available on the beds.pl website by using the REKLAMACJE (complaints) subject or by e-mail: reklamacje@beds.pl

3. For the complaint to be assessed the Client needs to send the Ware which is the subject of the complaint, attaching a proof of sale if possible. The Wares should be delivered or sent to the address given in point 2 above.

4. The Seller obliges to assess each complaint within 14 days.

5. If the complaint is not complete, the Seller will call on the Client to fill in the missing data immediately but not later than in 7 days from when the Client received the request. The Seller refunds the costs of delivery to the Client.

6. The Seller is not the producer of the Wales. The producer is liable under guarantee for the sold Wares under the terms of the Terms & conditions and for the period of time specified in the warranty card. If the warranty document makes provision for such a possibility, the Client may claim his or her warranty rights directly in the authorized service facility, the address of which is given in the warranty card.

II. Complaints for services rendered electronically

1. The Client can make complaints to Seller in relation to the functioning of the Shop and using its Services. The complaints may be sent in written form to the address: STWD Roman Bilecki, Wiślana 25 street, 85-773 Bydgoszcz, or to the e-mail address: reklamacje@beds.pl.

2. In the complaint the Client should provide his name and surname, correspondence address and the type and description of the problem.

3. The Seller is obliged to assess each complaint in 14 days and if this is impossible to inform the Client about when the complaint will be assessed. If the complaint is not complete, the Seller will call on the Client to fill in the missing data in 7 days from when the Client received the request.

III Out-of-court settling of complaints and redressing

1. The Client who is a consumer has the following (among others) possibilities of out-of-court settling of complaints and redressing:

a. has the right to contact the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court of the Commercial Inspection (IH) with a request for the settling of a dispute resulting from the Contract of Sale.

b. has the right to address the voidoship's Commercial Inspection inspector with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for a amicable resolution of
the dispute between the Client and the Seller.

c. may receive free help in regards to a solution of the dispute between the Client and the Seller using the free help of the local consumers’ ombudsman or social organization which as consumer protection as one of its statutory tasks (for example: Federacja Konsumentów, Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich). The Federacja Konsumentów organization gives advice at the free consumer hotline (800 007 707) and the Stowarzyszenie Konsumentów Polskich gives advice at the porady@dlakonsumentow.pl email address.



Warranty terms


I. General information

1. Company STwD leading online stores BEDS.eu, provide the products sold with the 10-year warranty, starting from the date of delivery of products to the customer.

2. Company STwD ensures that goods are of good quality and have no defect and comply with the requirements and functions if they are used with its intended purpose in terms considered typical, at normal load, their proper care and maintenance (normal operating conditions shall be determined by this warranty).

3. Warranty covers defects resulting from:

a. incorrect production process;

b. incomplete product;

c. defects during proper use;

II Defects caused during transport

1. The content and status of the consignment must be thoroughly examined in the presence of the courier. Courier does not have the right to refuse to check the status of the consignment together with the Client - it is his duty.

2. If at any of the elements are visible mechanical damage, which can be unambiguously classified as arising during transport, it is necessary to write a complaint protocol, which courier should have. In the case when the courier does not have an appropriate form, it is required to draw up this type of hand-written letter in two copies (one for each side). The content should include the following information:

a description of damages or losses (specify quantity and type of any lost of goods);

no of bill of lading

the date of service

legible signature of the courier and the person receiving;

Protocol complaint significantly accelerates and facilitates the complaint regarding the products of mechanical damage occurring during transport. Also company STWD should be immediately informed about the situation (e-mail: beds@beds.eu or phone (+48) 52 344-08-08).

III Exception from the warranty

Loss of warranty power is in the event of:

assembly does not comply with the instructions provided;

use the furniture in the range of temperatures below 15° C or above 25° C;

use the furniture in the range of humidity below 45% or above 65%;

use the furniture near heat sources (radiators, stoves, etc.) - min. furniture set distance from the source of heat is 1 m;

flooding furniture with water or other liquid

use the furniture misused

soiled article;

establish improper implementation of procedures for cleaning and maintenance;

repairing by unauthorized persons

defects and damage caused by animals

damage resulting from improper transportation of furniture by buyer;

mechanical failures

2. As defect will not be considered:

natural aroma of oiled products

changes naturally occurring during standard use of furniture;

properties resulting from the type of material used (solid wood);

the differences in shade of wood (wood as a natural material have differing shades depending on the conditions of its natural habitat);

visible beams of wood as a core element of its anatomical construction;

little darker color (the so-called “false tough”) as an element of the anatomical construction of beech wood;

filling slight losses in the wood (unless its colour is similar to the colour of component and are not on exposed parts of elements such as: the table top plate, door, drawer front, headboards, etc.);



IV Final statements


STwD Company reserves the right to change the terms of the warranty. The new warranty will not be applied retroactively.

Contact Us!

Zákaznický servis

Paulina Bąk

Konzultant prodeje


0048 535 410 808

Po - Pá:

1000 - 1500


Zákaznický servis (Eng.)

Kacper Piątek

Konzultant prodeje


0048 535 410 810

Po - Pá:


1000 - 1800

0900 - 1500


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